NOTICIAS DE CRUCEROSThe Port Authority of Las Palmas -a public tender for a new...

The Port Authority of Las Palmas -a public tender for a new cruise ship terminal

The Port Authority of Las Palmas has launched a public tender to select a company interested in investing and managing a new cruise ship terminal in the port of Las Palmas (Gran Canaria), in addition to improving the current facilities in the ports of Arrecife (Lanzarote) and Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura).

The Port Authority of Las Palmas -a public tender for a new cruise ship terminal

The Port Authority of Las Palmas handles more than 500 cruise ships and 1.5 million cruise passengers a year, a number that has doubled in the last decade and continues to grow. The aim is to build on the strength of the existing network by enhancing both quality and competitiveness to meet the demands and challenges faced by the cruise ship industry. The new facilities will ensure the continuity of current operations and contribute to attracting future traffic.

By providing the most demanding sanitary protocols, the port of Las Palmas had the distinction of being the operating base for European cruise ships when they restarted their activities in October 2020. As a result, the international tourist destinations serviced by the ports of Las Palmas, Puerto del Rosario and Arrecife, were capable of providing the most rigorous health safety conditions.

This new public cruise ship terminal in Las Palmas, together with the facilities in the ports of Arrecife and Puerto del Rosario, has to operate in a regime that is open to the general traffic. This setup would be in line with other Spanish ports such as Barcelona, Malaga and Valencia. The necessary investment is estimated between 20 and 25 million euros, and the concession for a period of up to 40 years. The deadline for submitting a tender is 30 June.

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