REPORTAJESArtículosCruise Excellence Awards 2020

Cruise Excellence Awards 2020

A Coruña all dressed up for the Cruise Excellence Awards Ceremony 2020. Nearly 300 guests attended the Rosalía de Castro Theatre to enjoy a grand gala in the thirteenth edition of this awards ceremony.

Reportaje perteneciente a la revista CruisesNews nº52 – Junio 2020

Cruise Excellence Awards 2020


The Rosalía de Castro Theatre in A Coruña received about 300 guests who attended the ceremony of the Excellence Cruise Awards, now in its thirteenth edition. The event brought together the chief executives of cruise ship companies, as well as cruise tour operators, consignees, ports and destinations, travel agents, collaborators, professionals, business managers and other suppliers of the cruise industry, as well as professionals from A Coruña and the Community of Galicia.

During an enjoyable gala directed and presented by the humourist and showman, Mr. Corrales, and enlivened by the artists of the Subcielo company with a spectacular performance of aerial acrobatics, the guests enjoyed a lively event in which the following awards were announced:

During the event, the following special recognitions were given:
Recognition by the Port Authority of A Coruña for their strong support for the commercial strategy of the promotion for cruise traffic and the commitment to provide quality services by offering competitive rates to cruise companies, to Coruña Pilots, UTE Sertosa Norte – Carsa, Maritime Global Services and Corunna Cruise Terminal.

Recognition by Cruises News Media Group for the best corporate social responsibility action, to «4good food” program by Costa Cruises.

Cruise Excellence Awards 2020


Recognition by the Port Authority of A Coruña for its association and loyalty with the port in recent years, to Carnival UK – P&O.

Recognition by the Port Authority of A Coruña to the institutional relationship within the framework of the MOU signed by both ports that has allowed a greater uptake of stopovers, to Port of Leixoes.

The Excellence Cruise Awards, whose first edition was held in 2008 in Barcelona, ​​are decided by the votes of national cruise passengers and travel agencies and they are a brand of CruisesNews Media Group, organiser of the International Cruise Summit in Madrid and editor of CruisesNews magazine.

This edition, promoted and sponsored by the Port Authority of A Coruña, the City Council of A Coruña and the Xunta de Galicia, also received sponsorship from Puertos del Estado, MEGA, Corunna Cruise Terminal, Gadis, Maritime Consiflet, Bergé, Cruises Atlantic Islands and

A Coruña
The choice of the city is due, among other considerations, to the consolidation of the Port of A Coruña as one that have experiencied a substancial growht in recent years. The Porto of A Coruña has dramatically expanded its passenger traffic and large ship cruise calls during the last ten years, in addition to attracting new cruise companies.

Guests filled the Rosalía de Castro Theater and enjoyed a unique gala night, followed by a cocktail-dinner in Palexco where all the guests enjoyed a pleasant dinner facing the sea to celebrate the awards, whose previous editions were held in Cartagena, Barcelona, Malaga, Bilbao and Palma de Mallorca.

The cruise industry gala – The Ceremony showcasing Spain´s Cruise Industry achievements
Cruise Excellence Awards celebrate the very best of the Spain’s cruise tourism sector.The awards duly recognize, perfection, imagination, creativity, excellence, impeccable service and innovation in an emerging and unstoppable industry that is continuously evolving in Spain. Spain is today both as destination and source market one of the top markets in the world and delivers an exceptional experience, both on board and ashore with one of the best port terminal networks in the world.

Cruise Excellence Awards 2020


Cruise Excellence Awards are owned and organised by Cruises News Media Group, the company behind that leads one of the most important B2B Cruise events, The International Cruise Summit, and the top leading cruise industry magazine for Spanish speaking countries, Cruises News Magazine among other products.

The Awards launched in 2008, and rotating all over the Iberian Peninsula, are firmly established as the premier distinctions in the Spain´s cruise industry with cruise lines representatives coming to receive their awards from all over the world.

Each year, the Excellence Cruise Awards is well attended by more than 300 people. Among the special guests are the top executives of the main cruise lines, ports, tourism boards, auxiliary industry, tourist services, travel agencies, tour operators, public administrators, press, promotional companies and cruisers.

Cruise Excellence Awards 2020


Winners 2020
– Best Spanish Port 2019: BARCELONA PORT
– Best Popular Cruise Line 2019: MSC CRUISES
– Best Premium Cruise Line 2019: PRINCESS CRUISES
– Best Luxury Cruise Line 2019: SILVERSEA CRUISES
– Best Entertainment Onboard 2019: ROYAL CARIBBEAN
– Best Value for Money Cruise Line 2019: COSTA CRUISES
– Best Cruise Ship in the Mediterranean 2019: MSC BELLISIMA
– Best Cruise Ship in Northern Europe 2019. NORWEGIAN GETAWAY
– Best Gastronomy Experience 2019: CELEBRITY CRUISES
– Best Consumer Brand Recognition 2019: MSC CRUISES
– Best River Company 2019: CROISIEUROPE
– Best Cruise Line for the first cruise 2019: PULLMANTUR CRUISES
– Best Brand Recognition by Travel Agencies 2019: COSTA CRUISES

Complete photo gallery:

Cruise Excellence Awards 2020

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