COMPAÑÍASMarítimasCrystal Cruises receives TRIPLE A-Award 2015

Crystal Cruises receives TRIPLE A-Award 2015

The Atlantic Alliance honors Crystal Cruises with the “Triple A – Award” for 2015 and handed over the silver plaque to Anita Hodson, Director Nautical and Port Operations, and John Stoll, Vice President, Land Programs in their offices in Los Angeles last week.

The Atlantic Alliance is a group of 18 Atlantic European cruise ports, representing a region that extends from northern Germany to southern Portugal, including Great Britain and Ireland. It enables all cruise lines and their guests to visit top tourist destinations each with their own unique identity but united by the sea.

Each year The Atlantic Alliance awards cruise companies that have made a particularly significant contribution to this cruise region with the Atlantic Alliance Award, otherwise known as the “Triple-A Award”.

For 2015, the Atlantic Alliance has chosen to honor the luxury cruise operator that has maximized destination involvement by spending on average, the longest time in port per call and hence contributing to the region. “We consider that the longer the ship stays in port the higher an overall contribution they provide to our ports, destinations and to the local cruise community”, Nadine Palatz, Marketing Manager Atlantic Alliance stated. The winner is Crystal Cruises.

Los Angeles based Crystal Cruises is the world’s leading luxury cruise provider, having earned more “World’s Best” awards than any other cruise line, hotel, or resort in history. Crystal sails to all seven continents, providing worldwide vacations of five to 100+ days that bridge the best of land and sea. Crystal Symphony & Crystal Symphony combined for a total of 28 calls staying a total of 410 hours in the Atlantic Alliance ports om 2014; with an average length of stay per call of 20 hours.

Crystal Cruises will increase overnights and late port stays for the 2015/16 season. At the same time, the cruise will offer exciting pre/post hotel packages and Extended Land Program options which will offer more opportunities for guests to experience more of Atlantic Alliance cruise ports and destinations.

Crystal Cruises received the award from Ian McQuade, General Manager, Portland Harbour Authority, who represented the member ports of the Atlantic Alliance during the award ceremony in Crystal Corporate Headquarters in Los Angeles on Tuesday, September 30, 2014.

“We at Crystal Cruises, are honored to accept the 2014 “Triple A – Award”. We congratulate the Atlantic Alliance network of top luxury destinations which consistently exceed expectations. As we continue to expand our port-intensive itineraries featuring longer stays and overnights it is critical that we find quality destinations that offer unique and diverse shore side opportunities that will enhance our overall cruise experience. Our sincere thanks to the members of the Atlantic Alliance for this award.” John Stoll – Vice President, Land Programs

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